The College of the Florida Keys takes education to a new level—expanding options and opportunities for students and their families in the Keys. CFK Academy, a tuition-free public charter high school, focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE). CFK Academy offers unique and innovative opportunities to families, businesses, and community stakeholders throughout Monroe County.

CFK Academy Info. Session- June 29

Learn more about CFK Academy, the new tuition-free public charter high school at The College of the Florida Keys, opening in the 2023 School Year. Come to the Info Event on June 29 at 5:30 p.m. To learn about the curriculum that centers on STEM, Career Technical Education, and Project-Based Learning. Tour the brand new building on the College’s Key West Campus, and receive help with the application.

Project-Based Learning (PBL)

CFK Academy’s curriculum centers on a project-based learning (PBL) approach and focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE) disciplines. Authentic, hands-on engagement in the learning process—the core of PBL—equips students with the knowledge, skills, character, and attitudes needed to succeed in a modern world.

CFK Academy offers a broad range of connections to local industries and access to local experts in scientific and technological fields. Students will participate in CTE programs available at the College, such as marine science, marine engineering, hospitality, engineering technology, entrepreneurship, culinary, construction, and welding.

CFK Academy’s educational curriculum focuses on college, career, and job readiness in an ever-changing global economy by promoting real-world application of skills, fostering technical aptitude, and creating networks to our local community. CFK Academy prepares students to further their postsecondary education, enter the workforce with the required skills and content knowledge, and master communication, critical thinking, and collaboration in all aspects of their lives.

Opportunity for Acceleration

Designed to ensure students meet the requirements for high school graduation and enrollment in a Florida college, university, or other desired postsecondary pathway, CFK Academy encourages students to follow a course of study that exceeds the minimum standard high school diploma requirements. Students may pursue a Scholar or Merit designation and/or earn transferable college credit with the intention of simultaneous completion of an associate degree.

Dual Enrollment- Earn a Degree and a Diploma

Access to college-level academic and CTE courses sets CFK Academy apart from traditional high schools. CFK’s Dual Enrollment program allows high school students to complete courses that earn both high school and college credits, at no cost to the students or their families. CFK Academy students can take Dual Enrollment classes in tandem with their high school classes without having to commute to another location or go online. In pursuing this tract, students build efficiency and value into their higher education path. Motivated students will be able to graduate with their high school diploma as well as an associate degree, certificate, and/or industry certification.

A Culture of Caring

Adolescence can be a turbulent time. Fostering a sense of community and personal well-being is core to the CFK Academy philosophy and culture that seeks to build champions of passion and respect.

Personal Growth

With the foundation of collaborative goal setting and problem solving, students develop social, emotional, and leadership skills through interdisciplinary PBL activities. Students learn to recognize their own strengths and limitations and develop essential skills of self-awareness. The self-management skills they develop help them learn to delay gratification, manage stress, and experience motivation and agency to accomplish personal and collective goals. Students become socially aware as they work closely with peers and adults from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts. Their capacity to communicate clearly, listen actively, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek or offer help when needed develops with collaboration on long-term projects. Through this process, CFK Academy students learn responsible decision-making as they are challenged to consider ethical standards, safety concerns, and analyze the cost and benefits of their decisions and actions.

Extracurricular Connections

CFK Academy students have access to a variety of extracurricular activities through a partnership with Monroe County School District. CFK Academy students can participate in sports, bands, and other clubs at the high school of their choice.

Apply Now!

Applications are now available for the 2023-24 School Year.