CFK Academy’s curriculum centers on a project-based learning (PBL) approach and focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and Career Technical Education (CTE) disciplines. Authentic, hands-on engagement in the learning process—the core of PBL—equips students with the knowledge, skills, character, and attitudes needed to succeed in a modern world.
CFK Academy offers a broad range of connections to local industries and access to local experts in scientific and technological fields. Students will participate in CTE programs available at the College, such as marine science, marine engineering, hospitality, engineering technology, entrepreneurship, culinary, construction, and welding.
CFK Academy’s educational curriculum focuses on college, career, and job readiness in an ever-changing global economy by promoting real-world application of skills, fostering technical aptitude, and creating networks to our local community. CFK Academy prepares students to further their postsecondary education, enter the workforce with the required skills and content knowledge, and master communication, critical thinking, and collaboration in all aspects of their lives.