Congratulations Spring Class of 2023! 

Watch our Spring 2023 Commencement Facebook Live Stream

There is no greater recognition of a graduate's achievements than a College graduation ceremony, or commencement.  At The College of the Florida Keys, we are committed to honoring this tradition.

If you plan to participate in the Spring 2023 CFK Commencement, mark your calendars for Friday, May 5, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. Application deadline is March 17, 2023. 

College graduation is a memorable occasion, not only for you, but also for your family and friends.  Your success represents sacrifice, commitment, hard work, and the determination to create more career and personal options for your future.  Now to be recognized!   

The Spring 2023 CFK Commencement will be held in the Tennessee Williams Theatre. Each graduate will be allowed a number of guest tickets.  The College continues to make final decisions regarding the ceremony and this number of tickets along with updated information will be posted here.

Reserve your regalia by March 17, 2023. You can order your Associate cap and gown or Bachelor cap and gown with hood online at: If you have any questions regarding graduation regalia or announcements, contact Follett’s, our campus bookstore, at 305-809-3241.

Perhaps you would like to speak at graduation. To apply for this honor, please fill out the application and return to

We are proud of you and look forward to seeing you at the Spring 2023 Commencement Ceremony!


Important Information



  • Please arrive Friday, May 5 at 2:30 pm in the library A building. Refreshments will be provided.
  • You will be able to check-in for graduation, don your cap and gown, and line up.
  • You will have the opportunity to have photos taken by a professional photographer in front of a CFK backdrop and as a class.
  • The doors to the Tennessee Williams Theatre lobby will be open at 3:00.
  • The doors to the seating will be open at 3:45. 
  • Tickets are limited due to the high volume of graduates this year. Students should have picked up their tickets in the A building lobby or in the Upper Keys Center at this time. We are currently at full capacity.

Cap & Gown Information


 Order online at:

Search for The College of the Florida Keys

Associate - $36.50

Bachelor - $66.50 (price includes hood)

Deadline to order is March 17, 2023!

(Your cap and gown will ship to the Bookstore)

Graduation Date:  May 5, 2023

*GRADUATION RINGS: Visit the Herff Jones website to view and order your Official College of the Florida Keys graduation ring. Payment Plans Available!

Announcements also offered.

Order online at:

    Questions? Please call Herff Jones at (305) 271-6769 or email   


Graduation Digital Program