Success Calculator

Cost & Earnings

What is the real cost of attending The College of the Florida Keys and potential lifetime earnings?

Based on how long it will take you to graduate (the cost includes all kinds of expenses necessary to attend CFK, such as tuition, fees, textbooks, living cost, and others)

What is your household income level?

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Do you plan to enroll as a full-time or part-time student?

Page 2 of 4

In how many years do you expect to graduate?

Page 3 of 4

Tell us a little about yourself:

Do you plan on working during college?

How old will you be when you start college?

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What is the real cost of attending The College of the Florida Keys and potential lifetime earnings?

Based on how long it will take you to graduate (the cost includes all kinds of expenses necessary to attend CFK, such as tuition, fees, textbooks, living cost, and others)

$12,154    ANNUALLY

which means

$12,154    TOTAL COST

and over your lifetime you will earn an additional


…for every $1 you invest in your education you receive


in return.

Change your scenario:

What is your household income level?

Do you plan to enroll as a full-time or part-time student?

In how many years do you expect to graduate?

Do you plan on working during college?

How old will you be when you start college?

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